

Bethesda Lutheran Communities was looking for the perfect Christmas gift to thank their donors. They turned to Strategies to develop ideas and ways to bring their brand to life in a meaningful way.


We set up a tour of the Bethesda headquarters in Watertown, Wisconsin, to fully immerse ourselves in who Bethesda is and its impact on the community. Their new chapel features the stained-glass windows from their old church, which was built in the late 1800’s. The church building later became a home for adults with disabilities, and Bethesda was born.  When the church was razed to make room for the new, modern facility, the stained-glass windows were put into storage for future use. When Bethesda’s new corporate headquarters was built, the stained-glass windows found their new home in the new chapel.  Tapping into this deep history, we proposed a custom night light with an acrylic back piece that could be imprinted with an image of the stained-glass windows. When the night light is on, the stained glass image illuminates much like it does when the sun shines through the chapel windows. The night light gift included a printed piece that explained the history of the stained-glass windows to make the connection for gift recipients quickly.


Bethesda’s audience is primarily made up of thousands of elderly women. The night light was a perfect gift that brought up memories and made the emotional connection Bethesda was hoping for with their Christmas gift. It brought tears of joy and thanksgiving throughout the donor group!

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B. Renae Dobbe profile image.
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Man Pointing a Finger